How can I customise the messages sent by ScrumGenius?

Do you want to customize the messages sent by the ScrumGenius bot? This can be useful for teams using ScrumGenius in a different language and to further personalize standups for your team. 

Note: Customizing messages are different from customizing the questions on your standup report! Learn more about private reports and customizing them here.

After selecting a template, go to the Members section to customize the messages sent by the ScrumGenius bot

As shown above, I have selected Daily Standup > Members, where the default messages are as displayed. Both the Intro message and Closing message are customizable by selecting the button with the ellipsis on the right as shown below.

Use these placeholders to give more context to your ScrumGenius messages:

  • {{name}} - This is replaced with the name of the individual user in the customized message. 
  • {{report}} - This is substituted with the name of your standup report in the customized message. 
  • {{team}} - This is replaced with the name of the team in the customized message. 

By using both the placeholder variables as well as general constant statements, you can create customizable messages for each team member, which will show as a preview, as shown below.

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