Roles and permissions

How each role will work

  • Account Admin - An account admin manage teams, manage billing and invite users
  • Billing Owner - A billing owner, can only manage billing. They can upgrade and downgrade licenses and download invoices.
  • Team Admin - A team admin can create teams and manage their team settings but not manage billing.
  • Team Member - Team members can access they teams they belong to, view the dashboard and enter their standups.

Account Settings

This page can be accessed only by Account Admin's by clicking their name in top corner and selecting Account Settings in the dropdown menu, which will redirect you to Organization Usage.

By selecting Roles & Permissions and scrolling down, you can see the specific users and their roles. You can update permissions by selecting the drop down beside their current role.

Inviting team members and external users

You can invite external users outside of the directory of your chat platform directory. For example, a member of your procurement team that may wish to manage billing but does not belong to in your team directory. 

To do this, under Roles & Permissions, enter the user's email and select their permission level. They will receive an invite via email that can be used to register their account and join your organization.

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