Team member timezones
Does your company have teams across multiple locations/timezones?
We have a feature specifically designed to boost your team’s communication and productivity.
By default, a report uses the default timezone set on the report. But if a team member has a different timezone set, that will be used. This can allow your team members to get their standup reports in their local timezone.
To set timezones in the report:
- Go to Reports and click "Edit Report".
- Schedule Configuration is by default set to GMT-5:00 (Eastern Time Toronto).
- Change the report timezone to your local time and make any other necessary changes.
To configure timezones for your team:
- Go to Team Settings.
- By default, the report uses the default timezone set on the report, but if a team member has a different timezone set, that will be used.
- You will be able to change your team member's individual local timezone as preferred.
We recommend you set the email summary to go out after all your members have had a chance to submit their report.
See this article for our advice on timezone best practices if your team is highly distributed!