Connect project management tools when checking in

Seamless Check-in Experience

Our new check-in experience allows team members to embed smart URLs within their Scrum answers, including integrations with project management tools, allowing for a smoother, more seamless experience.

Tasks & Activity integrations

An extension of the Smart URLs feature is the official integrations with project management tools. To connect tools, go to the ScrumGenius browser, select My Settings > Tasks & Activity.

Once you've done so, you will be redirected to a page on My Settings with all the possible project management tools that you can integrate.

Simply select connect for the tool you would like to connect and embed within your response and follow the next steps.

Add new tool during check-in

If you're in the midst of completing your check-in when you realize that you would like to reference a specific project management tool that you have not yet connected, go to Web Check-in, and select Connect your tool on the right side under Tasks & Activity. It will redirect you to the same page above.

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