Re-install ScrumGenius & Troubleshooting

A common issue is that when reinstalling ScrumGenius, it's easy to assume removing the ScrumGenius tab and installing again does this. However, this does not actually reinstall the app. To re-install ScrumGenius to trouble the following issues:

- Trigger the team setup message
- Reset any permission issues
- Troubleshoot as instructed by our support team

Troubleshooting - reinstalling the app

If you did not get a direct message from the ScrumGenius bot, then you can try to uninstall it from the team, and reinstall it. If an issue continues, please contact us for help.

1. Select "Manage team" for the team you installed ScrumGenius

2. Select the apps tab.

3. Uninstall ScrumGenius by clicking the trashcan icon in the same row.

4. Re-install the app, by adding ScrumGenius as a tab to the channel you wish to use ScrumGenius in.

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