Connect ScrumGenius with Clubhouse

When you connect Clubhouse with ScrumGenius, you can give access to read the activity from a Clubhouse project. ScrumGenius will monitor and pull in the activity of your team members, and show the Clubhouse story updates along with your standups. 

The Clubhouse activity will appear on the Team Activity page and the dashboard alongside your team's check-in answers.

Connecting to Clubhouse

To set it up, first, visit the Services page in Team Settings in ScrumGenius, and find the Clubhouse section. Proceed to connect Clubhouse by clicking the Connect to Clubhouse button.

Step 1: Create an API Token in Clubhouse

In the next screen, you will be asked to enter a Clubhouse token that will allow ScrumGenius to have read-only access to your Clubhouse project. To do this, head to Clubhouse > Settings > API Tokens and create your token

Step 2: Configure the webhook

Enter this token on the ScrumGenius, where it asks for the Clubhouse Token. Once you have pasted in the Clubhouse token and clicked Connect Clubhouse and then you will be takes to the services page. In the Clubhouse section copy the ScrumGenius Webhook URL. Return to Clubhouse and click the gear in the upper right-hand corner of your Clubhouse. Select Integrations from that drop-down menu.

Select Webhook from the left menu, and paste the ScrumGenius Webhook URL into the URL field, and enable the webhook. 

See it in action

To test it out, make an update in Clubhouse and look for a new entry in the Dashboard or Team Activity stream.

Right now, we support the following actions in Clubhouse:

  • Create a story
  • Update a story
  • Move a story from one workflow state to another
  • A comment is made on a story

If there are others that you'd like to see, let us know! 


  • Look for updates in the Team Activity stream first. Updates in the dashboard, show up based on the activity performed in the time between the current standup and previous standup.
  • Make sure that the people making updates in Clubhouse match up by first and last name or email address with people on your team in ScrumGenius. 
  • ScrumGenius won't be able to record data from before you connected the service. Make sure you generate some activity in Clubhouse after setting up the webhook in order to test things out after you've set up the connection.
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